a new patent search database with some cool features a new patent search database It provides the searching of US and European Patents. There are four search options:

·        Simple Search

·        Advanced Search

·        Expert Search

·        Bulk Search

The database has some other cool features.

·        Clustering of the searched patents relevant buckets.

·        Browsing of Patents by Inventor name. (This feature helps in distinguish similar names)

·        Browsing of Patents by Company name. (Easy to identify the similar names)

·        Provide users to register and various user account features as well as the ability to create profiles, claim patents you are associated with and connect with other Patents Community members.

Patent Visualization Tool

XLUS is web-based software that can visualize massive numbers of patent searches and analysis results in landscape thememap.

In order to illustrate the similarity and technological relationships between patents, XLUS produces a radar chart in addition to an ordinal patent list.

XLUS’s core technologies consist of natural language processing, data informatics, visualization and easy expression, and IP knowledge and analysis. XLUS has great potential to improve search productivity for planning of development strategies, as well as patent acquisition strategies.