Patent Tools

We pay so many dollars to databases providers for the access of some features to reduce our time & effort. Patent Tools which provides so many features for day-to-day use for patent search and analysis freely to overcome cumbersome procedures. The features of the tools are listed below.

Claim Chart Generator: Claim Chart Generator automatically creates a claim chart template for your use. The Claim Chart Generator can also generate charts for specific patent claims or for all claims.

Patent Navigator: This tool provides an easy navigation for reviewing patents and their cited references. A navigation box on the left lets you quickly jump to specific sections of the patent. Additional features include viewing only a summary of the patent (i.e. the abstract, inventor info, filing dates, etc… but not the detailed specification or cited references) and/or viewing either all of the claims or only the independent claims.

Quick View: This tool automatically creates a web page containing high-level patent information for any number of supplied patents. The high-level information includes abstract, inventorship and priority information.

An additional feature is that the cover pages of the patents can be collected into a single PDF file for you (select the PDF file format). This is particularly useful for a quick “first-pass” review of many patents without the need for collecting and printing all of the patents. The Patent Navigator provides better functionality if you are only reading one patent at a time.

Independent Claim Comparison Chart Generator: This tool automatically creates a table with the independent claims side by side for your convenience. This tool is great for comparing and identifying independent and dependent claims which are very similar and sometimes identical.

Claim Tree Generator: This tool automatically creates a tree of all claims for your convenience. The tree provides you with a quick view of the dependencies for all claims for in a patent.

Patent Link Generator: This tool automatically creates a web page containing links to patents on either the Patent Tools or USPTO websites.

Table Generator: This tool automatically creates a web page or an Excel spreadsheet containing a table of various information fields for any number of patents. This tool is great when paired with the Search Results tool. Once you’ve performed your searches on either the patent office website or on Google, copy and paste your URL into the Search Results tool to get a spreadsheet of the results. This tool will use the URL from a USPTO search or a Google Patents query and gather all of your results for you into a single Excel spreadsheet.

Patent-to-PDF Generator: This tool automatically creates a PDF file of a US patent.

Assignment Search: This utility will search the USPTO patent assignment database and generate a table listing the patents and patent applications for any given assignee/assignor.

The results of this tool are intentionally limited during development. The results are limited to a total of approximately 1000 results so if your search query with the USPTO returns more than that, you will only receive the first 250 results.

Patent Family Tree: This tool creates a basic diagram of the patent family based upon the same information available via USPTO PAIR (but in a graphical and more useful format). The resulting diagram identifies cited parents and identifies all descendents of the patent or patent application.